Monday, January 19, 2009

i know its SO bad that i made this blog 6 months ago and this is only my second entry but i have no idea how to do this! how does everyone make their blog so dang cute?
anyway, things are going really good for us. i am still working at Dr. trapnells office two days a week and i do hair out of our home still and im loving it! Luke is on break right now but has completed the first POST class to become a police officer and he starts back up in march... he will be completely finished in the end of june first of july, he is hoping to get on with spanish fork so i will keep you posted :) if anyone knows how to make a really cute page and feel like sharing, im all ears!


Life of a Country Girl said...

I love your blog!!! I love you guys so much! Rylan & I miss your guts!

lacey said...

well for some one who dosent know how to do this it sure looks like you do :) iam glad everything is going good, i had no idea that luke was going into law inforsment that is so neat. my brother teaches up in slc dose luke go up there or is he down here? anyways lots of love and you guys are so cute together!! ttyl

Kristen said...

Hey Ash! I think your blog is cute! I will send you an email so you can see my blog. Good Job!